How do we can recruit?
Meet people where they are
Ask member why they joined the organization and what would It take to get them to rejoin
Be kind, courteous, and respectful
Inform the member about any new BIG programs and the benefits for each
Create opportunities and allow them to make decisions about how they can or will serve the organization
Provide a payment method to accept their payments
Introduce the reclaimed member to
the chapter members
Draw on their previous talents and experiences to enhance the organization
Share BIG story during the period the member was not active
Draw on their previous talents and experiences to enhance the organization
Share BIG story during the period the member was not active
Show excitement about them reclaiming
Make the member feel comfortable
Provide BIG Governing documents
and the websites for the chapter, Region, and National.
Ask member to refamlllarlze themselves wtth the organization by visiting
Encourage them to ask questions
Serve as a great resource for them to become back familiar with the organization and its processes.